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Reduce a double chin, refine your jawline, and face each day with confidence.
You take care of yourself, you eat well and exercise. From the neck down, your body reflects your hard work. But that double chin just won’t go away. What gives? Excess fullness under the chin is usually an inherited trait—we are genetically programmed to accumulate fat here, and it’s incredibly hard to get rid of through diet and exercise.
The good news is that you can get rid of the fat and get a more chiseled, defined jawline. That’s because excess fat under the chin is quite easy to reduce with Kybella®.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable medication that dissolves fat cells under the chin. Following Kybella treatment, the treated area gradually becomes slimmer as your body metabolizes the affect fat cells. Sometimes a series of 4 to 6 treatments are needed to substantially improve your profile and reveal a stronger, better-defined jawline with little to no downtime. Every patient is different.

Why we prefer Kybella for non-surgical jawline contouring

You have a few options at Lavish Aesthetics for reducing chin fat and improving the jawline. In our experience, Kybella offers the best in convenience, aesthetically pleasing outcomes, and proven, long-lasting results. Treatments take only about 15 minutes each with little or no downtime. Kybella permanently destroys fat cells, which do not grow back. We can effectively treat small or larger fat deposits to contour the chin and jawline in greater detail. Kybella can also help firm skin in the treatment area, enhancing the overall result. Get visible improvements after your first treatment, with full results ready within about 6 months. Kybella can eliminate the need for chin liposuction surgery.

What does a Kybella treatment involve?

We begin each treatment at Lavish with a personal consultation to discuss your concerns and goals. If it’s determined that Kybella is right for you, we’ll proceed with treatment. Kybella is injected directly into the fat pad under the chin using a very thin, short needle. Our experienced Nurse strategically select the precise locations to inject Kybella based on your natural facial contours, and map out the injection sites prior to treatment.

Is Kybella right for me?

If you are in good general health and are bothered by excess fat beneath the chin, Kybella is likely a good option for you. Altough many patients experience skin tightening effects as well as fat reduction, Kybella will not address significant skin laxity, such as a “turkey waddle” or loose jowls. A neck lift or other skin tightening treatment can help address these issues.

Learn how Kybella can help you improve your profile

There’s no need to live with a bothersome double chin when you have options to get rid of the excess fat. If you’re ready to take control of your appearance, contact us for a personal consultation at Lavish Aesthetics to discuss Kybella.

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